Dynamical Meteorology and Climatology Unit


Carrassi A and S Vannitsem, Treatment of the error due to unresolved scales in sequential data-assimilation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21, 3619-3626, 2011. 

Carrassi A and S. Vannitsem. State and parameter estimation with extended Kalman Filter. An alternative formulation of the model error dynamics. Q. J. Royal Met. Soc., 137, 435-451, 2011.

Ghil, M., P. Yiou, S. Hallegate, B.D. Malamud, P. Naveau, A. Soloviev, P. Friederichs, V. Keilis-Borok, D. Kondrashov, V. Kossobokov, O. Mestre, C. Nicolis, H.W. Rust, P. Shebalin, M. Vrac, A. Witt, I. Zaliapin 2011. Extreme events: dynamics, statistics and Prediction, Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 18, 295-350, doi:10.5194/npg-18-296-2011. 

Nicolis G. and S. Vannitsem. Foreword of the Special Issue ‘The complexity paradigm : Understanding the dynamics of weather and Climate’. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21, 3387-3388, 2011.

Van Schaeybroeck B and S. Vannitsem, Post-processing through linear regression. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 147-160, 2011

Vannitsem S., Bias correction and post-processing under climate change, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 911-924, 2011.

Vannitsem S. and R Hagedorn, Ensemble forecast post-processing over Belgium : Comparison of deterministic-like and ensemble regression methods. Meteorol. Appl., 18, 94-104, 2011

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